Once you know you want to start journaling, the next step is to incorporate it in your busy lifestyle!

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels.com

3 steps to incorporate journaling in your busy lifestyle :

  1. Plan it.
  2. Be consistent with it.
  3. Enjoy it.

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  1. Plan it 🗒️

The first step is to plan it in your already busy lifestyle. Some people like to write in their journal before bedtime. If this is something you want to do as well, you could create a new event in your calendar to block 10 min for journaling every night before bedtime (by example).

Question : I don’t know how I can block 10 min a day when I have responsibilities to take care of with kids, work, school and other activities I have. What do you recommend me to do? There’s no right or wrong answer, but you can also decide to block 5 min or less a day for journaling. You can start as simply as writing one sentence a day in your daily journal!

2. Be consistent with it✏️

The second tip we have is to be consistent with it. Make sure to stick with the plan you set on step number one. You can start by allowing yourself to test it out for a certain amount of time. Then, you can make some adjustments. By example, if you’ve decided to journal for 5 min every night, you can test it for 1 month before allowing yourself to know if you want to continue with less or more time dedicated to journaling. Also, the aim of planning it is to help you lock that time for you and your journal because when we have a busy lifestyle, we know that it can be overwhelming to start anything new. You can decide to journal for more time if you want. This is your journal and your journey, do what makes you happy!

Question : I really want to start but I don’t know what type of journal I should be using. Do you have suggestions? Many journals are available out there. Here is one of our own that we really like because it allows you to use it as you wish and it can be motivating (quotes inside) especially for any beginner into journaling. You can also click here to see the entire catalog for all of your needs.

3. Enjoy it😜

The last and not the least step is to enjoy it! Journaling can be a useful and fun activity to include in your busy lifestyle. We personally enjoy journaling for these 3 reasons. It will be so much easier to plan and be consistent with it if you enjoy journaling as well.

Question : How can I make the whole process enjoyable? You can set a new routine with journaling by having a specific setting that make you comfortable : play background music, set up your desk, have cool pens, have a motivational journal, etc. Stay tuned for a new article on How to have fun while journaling?


Starting journaling doesn’t have to be complicated. You can plan it in your calendar and be consistent with it, but we believe that if you enjoy the whole process, it make it even better!

Can you incorporate journaling in your busy lifestyle?

What current responsibilities make it harder to do so?

We hope that these steps will make it easier for you.

Une réponse à « How to incorporate journaling when you have a busy lifestyle (3-Step Guide)? »

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    […] of free time for self-care. How can I incorporate journaling in my daily routine? You can read this step-by-step guide to get […]


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